Khamis, 14 Mei 2009

Happy Birthday

Redwan Hashim
Would like to wish happy birthday to harmoni fm staff who is having their birthday for the month of May 2009, especially to my boss Mr Redwan having his birthday on the 12th May, semoga di panjangkan umur di murahkan rezeki dan terus maju jaya dalam kerjaya...amin..

To Dj Nazerrah NK, happy bufday dear on the 8th May, May Allah Bless u and all your dreams come true, terus berjaya dalam kerjaya..Luckly I meet u on yr bufday that nite wt your purple baju...u look so sweet on your special day...happy alwez with your beloved husband dear.
Dj Hjh Siti Khadijah ur better known as Hjh Didi among us in harmoni, lia forget to greet u dear on your special day on the 2th May..really sorry yea, anyway happy belated bufday Semoga di panjangkan umur di murahkan rezeki, sucess in your kerjaya, happy always with your beloved husband and your lovely kids..

Untuk semua rakan-rakan seperjuanganku yang menyambut hari lahir di bulan Mei ani Selamat Hari Jadi semoga kitani semua akan sentiasa bersatu hati menceriakan harmoni fm..coming soon two more Dj's friend having their birthday on the 16th and 22nd...nak tau siapa..just wait for me to upload their pictures....c yaaa

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